Going through a pregnancy can be hard both physically and emotionally. Your hormones are going through the roof, your mood swings are changing almost instantly, your body is evolving in a way that you neither look or feel about it like before. I know how it feels! I’ve been there TWICE. Even though I had good pregnancies (medically speaking) it was tough, long and worrisome at times. So, I came up with a list of 10 fun things to do during pregnancy to help you make your expecting time more enjoyable and memorable. They are meant to embellish your pregnancy with memories that will go a long way. I mean, waay longer than 9 months!
1. Start a journal. From the moment you pee on that stick, you will have a million different emotions going through you. These emotions grow even deeper once your baby is born. Keep a journal of your pregnancy and through the first year of your baby’s life. Write down anything and everything that touches you. Believe me, it will be a treasure for years to come!

2. Create an email for the baby. Write letters to your baby from the very moment you find out you are pregnant. Through emails, you can share emotions, pictures, videos of the entire family with your baby. This can go on for as long as you want. Once the baby is old enough, you can give him/her a password to this email and I am sure there will be lots for him to discover.

3. Have a cast made. Towards the last couple of months of your pregnancy, making a cast of your growing belly is a definite do! A plaster mold is made first, then the artist casts the ceramic version. The resulting ceramic belly can be glazed white or painted. You can personalize it with a design and special messages you chose to put on it. It can be hung on a wall or made to stand alone as a very personalized piece of art work – a one of a kind, just like you.

4. Take a vacation. If you have other children, why not send them to grandparents or other relatives for the weekend while you and your husband go somewhere just the two of you? I suggest that you do it before you hit the 8th month to keep safe and easy. I let you explore the numerous possibilities in your area. Just remember that quality time together will be something great to look back at when a new baby arrives.

5. Arrange a professional photo shoot with your partner. A professional photo session does differ from your iphone shots. Not only will you have stunning images in special maternity gowns, but the whole experience of being in a studio, pampered and in the centre of attention will greatly lift your spirits. Regardless of your body image or shape, a professional photographer will make you fall in love with your body again and again. That’s what we do – we find the best pose and outfit for all pregnant moments, so it is captured in the best possible way for you to want to remember.

6. Get into sports. Get enrolled into a sport group for pregnant women: prenatal yoga, aqua fitness, Pilates, Zumba, Walking club etc. Whatever works for you. Just stick to it once or twice per week. You’ll benefit so much from exercising, but even more importantly, it will boost to your self esteem: you will be proud of yourself. You will also meet other expecting woman in your neighborhood and make new friends.

7. Hobby, perhaps? Take some time off from baby-stuff and get a hobby. Set a goal to create or learn something new. It can be anything: reading, knitting, photography, or any other hobbies out there. Just remember, it’s a great opportunity to dedicate to your personal development and to get better at what you love to do. When the baby comes, it will be harder to do things for yourself.

8. Have a baby shower. Baby shower is an awesome occasion to gather with your girlfriends and spend a fun afternoon together. It’s a time for food, games, gifts and cheers. You will be happy to share your excitement for a new baby with your friends. That’s what they are for, right?

9. Sign up for a ‘moms’ (not a name) forum/Facebook group. I cannot stress enough how much ‘moms’ Facebook group helped me – a first time mom- when my first son was born. Honestly, it’s very helpful to have this resort of other moms’ wisdom and experience at your fingertips. I am not suggesting any particular group as you can find numerous moms’ groups online. Just choose the one you like most.

10. Design birth announcements cards. Even if you don’t know the sex of your baby, there are tons of cute birth announcements available. What I suggest is using photographs from your professional photo-shoot when designing your cards. Have fun with it and share your joy of announcing your new baby with all your family and friends!

So, here is the list of 10 fun things to do during pregnancy that I wish I’ve done when I was pregnant. And I truly hope that it will help you go through your 9 months of anticipation and expectation.
I am also happy to admit that I can be of help today with your professional photo-shoot and your birth announcement cards! Wouldn’t it be nice to have your professional pictures taken and have your birth announcement cards ready when you want? I can do that for you, so you can scratch that part from your list! 😉